This week I am delighted to sit down and chat with Barbara Byrne. Barbara is a Coach, Author and Guide on the Camino. Barbara has a wealth of knowledge in coaching and leadership from her many years as Sliming world leader. She has changed a lot over the last few years and she attributes a lot of this to Finding her peace along the Camino as well as he own Mindfulness practice.
We chat about Barbara’s journey and how it has opened doors for her that she never expected.
About Barbara
Barbara Byrne is an inspiring Life Coach, Camino Guide, International Co Author and Award winning Weight
Release Expert. Barbara has worked with women and men to coach, inspire, support and encourage them through their personal transformations, for over eleven years.
She has empowered her clients to create change in their relationships with themselves and others as well as their
personal lives, to achieve their personal goals.
Barbara knows first hand the effects of intense grief, traumatic marriage breakdown and dark depression.
Her love of walking and being outdoors drives her passion empowering others to find their way to personal freedom
through walking, being outdoors and her love of the Camino, as well as through her coaching.
Upcoming Divorce Summit Retreat
How to Contact Barbara
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachbarbarabyrne
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach_barbarabyrne/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbara-byrne-2887343b/
Website: https://www.instagram.com/barbarabyrne_coach_camino/